Thursday, December 15, 2011

Flask and Mongodb on PyPy (Benchmark results Twisted vs Apache mod_wsgi)

If you are reading this on the Pygrunn website I advice you to head over to our Blog for better formatting of this post.

We (at Paylogic) have been working on a new big project using Flask and Mongodb for a couple of months now when we stumbled on problems running the Flask application using Apache's mod_wsgi. At some point we were getting strange Exceptions which were caused by 'Multiple Python Sub Interpreters and C extension modules' as described here. The problems did not occur if we used pymongo without the C extensions enabled but there was of course a performance loss (so we were told).

When I hear run a python library without C extensions my mind immediately brings up PyPy and fortunately the only C extension we were using for the project was required by pymongo which we now did not use anymore. At this point I decided to give PyPy a try. This post describes how we got everything working using PyPy and some performance measurements and the outcome of a couple of simple benchmarks.

Using PyPy

We use Virtualenv and you should too :P all kidding aside, I did not have any troubles getting my project to work with PyPy using Virtualenv so I just kept using it. The following describes how to use PyPy together with Virtualenv.
  1. Download PyPy from the website or build the source.

  2. Download and install the enhanced Virtualenv from:

  3. Create a new virtual environment and activate it:

    $> virtualenv -p /path/to/pypy my-venv
    $> source my-venv/bin/activate

  4. If you are using Mongoengine, you need my tiny patch here, install it first:

    (my-venv)> pip install \

  5. Now install your project. We use a lot of Flask extensions and they all seem to work fine with PyPy:

    (my-venv)> pip install \
    Flask-mongoengine Flask-Celery Flask-Babel .....

  6. And now run your tests, they should all pass ;-)


Apache and mod_wsgi can not use PyPy since mod_wsgi has its own (CPython) interpreter build in (or linked?). Time to go search for another web server. We already used Nginx in front of Apache so now we just needed to find a Pure Python Webserver to run instead of Apache. This post gave a nice overview of what was available.

I decided to go with Twisted Web first since it seemed easy to install and it supported PyPy according to the PyPy compatibility wiki. I learned from Twisted it is very easy to switch between webservers so no big deal for now. To install Twisted do:

(my-venv)> pip install twisted

Now you can test your wsgi application by invoking:

(my-venv)> twistd web \


So with this all set up, it was time to do some performance measuring. For this I wrote a very small script that called our web application using urllib2 and did the following:
  1. Create a new user (POST /user)
  2. Login with the new user (POST /user/login)
  3. Change the user's profile (POST /profile)
  4. Retrieve the profile (GET /profile)
  5. Retrieve a status page (GET /status/mongo)

As you can guess all steps involved at least a read from the database and most also changed mongo documents.


I setup 2 small instances in Amazon EC2 on which I got a vanilla Mongodb 2.0 running. One instance would get Apache and CPython while the other would get Twisted and PyPy, to be precise.

  • Apache (mpm-worker, threaded) with mod_wsgi
  • CPython
  • Mongodb
  • Twisted web
  • PyPy
  • Mongodb

The machines started out as identical clones with Debian 6 and minimal required packages installed.


We ran the script in a loop and forked it to be executed in parallel using bash:

$> x=1; while [ $x -le 10 ]; do (python &); \
x=$(( $x + 1 )); done

The above runs 10 concurrent processes in the background.

The following tables describe the time it took for the script to make one run (create + login + edit + ..etc). It shows the average duration in seconds of the full benchmark but also the average duration in seconds of the fastest 50% of each run per amount of concurrent benchmark scripts. The median and standard deviation of the whole benchmark are included to give the reader an idea of the correlation.

We tested different benchmark lengths by changing the amount of runs but there was no significant change to the results when using lenghts ranging between 10 and 1000 runs. All results displayed below were gathered with 20 runs per benchmark.

No. of scripts AVG duration AVG of smallest 50% Median Std. dev.
2 2.1961285472 2.16111454964 2.23114254475 0.035013997555
5 4.24873378039 4.07180131078 4.28083276749 0.199116645764
10 8.19694006443 7.75776187658 8.38324973583 0.561580396311

We observed greatly increasing load (up to 20) on the instance when we increased the amount of concurrent running scripts so we immediately concluded a small AWS EC2 instance could not deal with more then 2 simultaneous requests making this setup not suitable for production ;-) This also explains the increasing duration and deviations in the table above. No Exceptions were raised or errors could be found during the benchmark though.

No. of scripts AVG duration AVG of smallest 50% Median Std. dev.
2 1.19314089417 1.19220632315 1.1940754652 0.000934571025
5 2.44566946268 2.40679194927 2.46148204803 0.034066457154
10 4.86752203584 4.83535173416 4.88977667093 0.0368080682422

The Py-instance seems quite faster heh ;-)

Identical increases in load were observed so we concluded again this setup was not suitable for production. Still, Twisted seemed to perform better on higher loads since the deviation kept on being quite small and averages and median close together while we increased the amount of concurrent requests, which is identical to the amount of concurrent benchmark scripts.


We decided to keep on using PyPy for now. From our tests we concluded PyPy and Twisted perform about 80% faster over CPython and mod_wsgi. Of course we will have to re-benchmark when we start setting up the real production environment using separate machines for the mongo replicasets, celery workers and webservers and measure CPU, IO and memory usage, but for now it seems convenient to keep using PyPy. If necessary, it feels more easy to switch from PyPy to CPython then the other way around ;-)

Then there is always the option to change webserver implementations. I already executed the identical benchmark against Gunicorn using various settings but durations were a bit higher then with Twisted. Did you benchmark pure python webservers on PyPy? Let us know!